Do you remember the times when you said "Eeney-Meeney-Miney-Mo, catch a person by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. My mother told me to pick the best one." Well, one day this past week, I was in a convenience store staring at the doughnuts and other pastries stored in a lit showcase while picking out which one that I wanted the most. Then again, I both stared and glanced at those doughnuts and trying to decide by saying "Eeney-Meeney-Miney-Mo". Needless to say, I did not purchase anyone of them because I told myself that I need anyone of these doughnuts like I do a hole in my head. Well anyway, I did want to get at least an idea of what I wanted to paint.
Acrylic and Mixed-Media on Panel
6 1/2" W X 4 1/2" H
$30.00 (Painting only)
$7.50 (Shipping & Handling)

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