"May I please have your attention?"
This is an art piece that is for the "Hurricane Sandy Fundraiser" program of the the Daily Paintworks, and I am choosing Samaritan's Purse as the business whom I choose to have the money sent. The Samaritan's Purse is a ministry that helps people in war-torn and storm-ravaged areas along with sending out filled shoe boxes to both children and younger teenagers alike.
Most importantly, this particular ministry does repair work as well counsels and evangelize to
"Doubly Red Doors"
For some odd reason, I wanted to paint a pair of red doors because I was more
in the mood to paint something that is architecturally-related. Although these doors look as though that they are built around the large porch of a fine Southern house, however, they also look as though they were built at a Northern home or an apartment - especially where there is a canopy-covered walkway. Well anyway, I had the fascination and enjoyment in painting
them. The main reason why I chose red for those doors is because red is known
to be a very welcoming color. The other two reasons why I chose red is because it is a beautiful and powerful color.
Title: "Doubly Red Doors"
Size: 6" W X 8" H
Price: $36.00 USD
S/H: $10.00 USPS

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width: 194px; height: 76px;">
<a target="_blank" title="Go to the Hurricane Sandy Fundraiser on DailyPaintworks.com." href="http://www.dailypaintworks.com/Challenge/C0EB586C-7142-4c96-A589-DF9DC9BABA1A?fromWidget=true">
<img class="dpw-gallery-header-image" style="height: 76px; width: 194px;" alt=""
border="0" src="http://prod.dailypaintworks.challengeimages.s3.amazonaws.com/sandy_fundraiser_widget.gif" />
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width: 194px; height: 276px; background-color: white;">
<iframe src="http://www.dailypaintworks.com/challenges/sandyfundraiserwidget"
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