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Friday, January 22, 2016

"Five Flavors Of Nik.L.Nip"

By: Mary C. Aikens, Artist

     Do you remember those days when there were many packages of  Nik.LNip were on the candy racks at many dime stores around the 1960's and 1970's?  I do!  Those tiny bottles of sweet, flavored,
sugar water were such a neat idea at that time. However, that fluid in each bottle tasted so sweet and funky at the same time, but I enjoyed them anyway. Plus, those wax bottles were also meant to be chewed as though they were gum.  Sometimes, I chewed those wax bottles, and other times, I saved them after I washed out the juice residue from them for times when I played with my dolls. There were other ideas that I heard from what various people said that they used those tiny wax bottles for other things such as candle-making, to put on orthodontic braces, and etc...
      It was around New Years Day of 2016 when I saw this posting on FaceBook about Nik.L.Nip and wondered if anybody remembered these tiny juice-filled bottles during their childhood.  Yes, I certainly remembered them, re-posted that particular post, and was inspired to paint a picture of these tiny juice-filled bottles. Within a few days later, I painted the first and original painting on this subject is called "Nik.L.Nip" with those Nik.LNip "juices". (Please see that original painting at the bottom of this page.)  Needless to say, I was not really pleased with the results of  that "tested-and-tried" type of painting because the colors started to fade during its drying stage.  On the next day, I started on the second painting that I painted in watercolor called "Five Flavors Of  Nik.L.Nip" impressed me very much because of the stronger and more durable colors over the original one. Now, I realize the importance of sticking with traditional art materials when it comes to paint a painting for the most part considering with some exceptions at times.

Title: "Nik.L.Nip"
Artist: Mary C. Aikens
Measurements: 9 7/8" W X 7 7/8" H
Media: Watercolor on Matte Board
Price (Painting Only): $75.00 (USD)
S/H: $15.00 (USD - Including Insurance & Tracking)

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