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Monday, November 10, 2014

"Black Ankle-High Cowboy Boots"

"Black Ankle-High Cowboy Boots"

     Boots are among my most favorite subjects to paint - especially when they are related to cowboy boots.  I am learning to paint in a different style since my purchase of a book called "Daily Painting" by Carol Marine.  Since its arrival on Thursday, November 6, 2014, I have been absorbing myself in this book as much as possible.  It was on Saturday, November 8, 2014 when I was so passionate about painting with strokes.  When I was painting the background of this picture, I was so flabbergasted that I wiped it off and repainted the background.  While I was painting the boots, I came across many shades of black and lights on them.  This painting, "Black Ankle-High Cowboy Boots" can be found in the "Stroke Challenge".

     Oh by the way, if you wish to buy a copy of this particular book, you can find it on Amazon.com, and not-to-forget, it is very well worth the money with many helpful tips.  In the meantime, I am very thrilled that I finally have this copy of  "Daily Painting" since I cannot attend any of Carol Marine's painting workshops due to holding a day job in the area of Design Drafting.

Title: "Black Ankle-High Cowboy Boots"
Size:  12" W X 12" H
Media: Oil On Ampersand Board
Price: $144.00
S/H:   $25.00 (Insurance & tracking included)

  1. Payment Method: Ad Sense marycaikens@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Late August"

"Late August"
There were some very special times that were cherished before many of us, children, have had together before we returned to school.  Swinging on that tire swing was one of those "Memory makers".  It was a certain time for all of us to get together to play for that "very last time" as well observing the outdoors which we cannot help but noticing that the leaves are not that deep Emerald, but olive green.  Late August is a reminder that the traditional Summer season is almost over, and Indian Summer is starting to emerge right after Labor Day. 
Title: "Late Summer"
Size: 4 1/2: W X 7" H
Medium: Acrylic on Hardboard Panel
Price: $32.00 (Currency Converter)
S/H: $15.00 (USA Only)
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What can be anymore opposite than Auburn Unitersity and the University of Alabama?  Let's see through this particular challenge.  Although, I started out with the various color studies and finding the opposites.  It dawned on me that the two biggest universities in the State of Alabama are so contrast in their own beginnings, histories, sportsmanships, and not to forget, colors.  Auburn University's mascot are the Tigers, but the "Auburnites" shout out "War Eagle".  Another interesting fact about Auburn University is that their school colors are orange and blue.  One the other hand, there is the University of Alabama which the "Bama people" (both my husband's and my favorite team) shout out "Roll Tide" or "Roll Tide Roll", and that school's mascot is the elephant. The University of Alabama's school colors are crimson red, white, and gray.  
However, there are several couples who are for both schools by having one person rooting for Auburn University and the other person fot the University of Alabama.  Now, that is where the name of "Au-Bama" comes into play.  At least twenty-five years ago, I have both heard about and started to see more and more "Au-Bama" related stickers on car fenders as well other memorablia showing up on various items such as wreaths and car tags.
Title: "Au-Bama"
Size: 7" W X 5" H
Media: Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Price: $35.00 (USD - Currency Converter)
S/H: $15.00 (USD) United States (Only)
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saturday At Lake Norman

"Saturday At Lake Norman"
Wow!  It has been quite a very long time since I have done any en plein air painting since I can really remember since the late 1980's.  I wanted to do some outdoor paintings for some time, and the weekend of August 8-10, 2014 (a couple of Saturday's ago) was on my plans to do just that even when the weather was very iffy.  I also learned how to pack much lighter for this particular type of excursion since I was riding with my husband in his two-seater convertible (Pontiac Solstice). We finally arrived at Jetton Park, which is about twenty-five miles north of Charlotte, NC.  Jetton Park has both beautiful and rustic landscapes, and it is a place where my husabnd goes during the week to "soak" in all of that scenery enough to call it his "outdoor office".  He also goes there to have his little picnic and make various work-related telephone calls. Now, I can really understand why he loves coming up to Jetton Park enough to inspire me to do this en plein air painting. 
 On that day, I found out that there were so many scenes to choose from between passing boats, scenes with houses in the distance, scenery closer up, and the passing clouds. I just began doing at least a couple of crude sketches before I started painting on a hardboard panel.  Usually, I prefer my hardboard panels to do pallett-knife paintings, however, I painted this painting in acrylics which I start off painting in a watercolor style.  It dawned on me that the hardboard was literally absorbing the fluid part of the paints during my applicactions. I thickened up the paint and received better results.  Recently, I have been having an "itch" to improve my painting style by watching demonstrations on "You-Tube" and observing other artists' styles of the ones that I want to implement into my paintings.
Title: "Saturday At Lake Norman"

Medium: Acrylic on Hardboard Panel
Size: 8" W x 6" H
Price: $48.00 (Currency Converter)

S/H: $15.00 (USD) (Shipped in the United States of America)

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Friday, July 11, 2014

My Artwork On ArtistSites
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Please see some examples of my artwork on ArtistSites...  This is one of my sites that I forgot for some time until I was checking up about myself so I can see of all of the places where I am showing my items...  It does feel good to know that I must be making some progress where I am showing my items.  It is a real dream to me that my freelance art business will become a full-fledged company.  Yes, I will keep the name, "MCA Art & Graphic Studio".

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"Lighthouse Welcome"

"Lighthouse Welcome"
I have posted this partistcular iteme in Mary's Etsy's blogspot about this lighthouse relief sign...  I will, too, post it in this blegspot.  Sooo, here is "lighthouse Welcome"!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"Deeply Southern Winter"

"Deeply Southern Winter"
By: Mary C. Aikens, Artist

This is a picture of a couple of Camelia bushes in front of a column durning the winter months in Mobile, Alabama and along the entire "Deep South" region.  It is usual that the majority of Winter months have somewhat warm days in Mobile, Alabama that flowers start to bloom around February and/or March.  This view was taken from the driveway facing side of the front porch at my parents' former house. 

* Title: Deeply Southern Winter"

* Painting Challenge: "Summer In Winter"

*Media: Oil on Masonite Panel (or Hardwood)

* Size: 4 1/2" W  X 7" H X 1/8" T

* Please contact Mary C. Aikens for more information by e-mail at marycaikens@gmail.com.